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Buy a sword.
Go on adventures.
Cultivate an uncommon courage for an uncommon cause.

Every son needs a sword. This wooden sword can help you engage his soul early about becoming a mighty man of valor.

The Problem

... but got lost along the way and settled into a good job with a 401k ...

For men who were set up well in life, it's easy to drift through adulthood with an operating mode of avoiding rocking the boat and hedging against future discomfort.

Our Problem

... which isn't exactly a vision of the future that raises men on giant noble quests.

Most parents don't have a clear vision for their sons they believe in with conviction. Outside of getting an education so you can get a job so you can live an easier life than if you didn't.

The Vision

It's better to die for a cause than live aimlessly without one.

We don't lack decent men. We lack good men. Men who believe - with conviction - in a cause greater than themselves and are willing to put their comfort, safety, and potentially life at risk to take the hill.

Correct the compass.

We believe in the mighty men of valor you see in the Bible. Men who were willing to die for a greater cause - one that could bring eternal life.

Make risk right.

Today we think the ultimate outcome is a life of comfort and ease. That's hardly what you see promised or desired in the Bible.

Win some souls.

In the end, the scoreboard is going to be counted in souls. Not money. Not politicians. Not culture. Not views. Not followers.

Why Now

It's easier to set the direction of your sons soul when there's less competition for it.

As your son gets older, time only gets more scares and outside influences only get louder. The earlier you can set the compass of his soul, the easier it will be.

Why A Sword

Swords help you get to your son's soul early and often.

A sword is faster than reading Chronicles of Narnia, more convenient than going camping, and not boring like some book studies.

Here's how the conversation goes with your son when you give him a sword.

1. Call him to a greater cause.

"Look son, there are going to be times in life when you're going to need to take some risks to fight for a cause that's greater than yourself."

2. Entrust him with the sword.

"Right now, we're going to use this wooden sword. Eventually though, it's probably going to be using your words or deeds."

3. Go hard and screw up.

"We're all learning here, me included, but are you up for some adventures while we figure this thing out together?"

Here's what you'll get when you buy.

Wooden Sword

Two feet long and made of skateboard tough birch plywood with The World Needs Good Men branded right on the handle so you know what you're committing to when you pick up your sword.

Wooden Shield

Fifteen inch tall plywood shield engraved with a star on the front and The World Needs Good Men right where your nose will be in battle so you never forget the mission you're on.

Weapons. Guaranteed.

Broke it? We'll replace it.

Look, these swords are tough. But we care more about your son being equipped for the adventures that are coming in his life. If he breaks his sword in battle, post a picture of him along with a his heroic over the top war story and we'll send you a new one.

Extra freebies for fathers and sons.

The World Needs Good Men T-Shirt

This one's for your son. Super soft youth sized cotton t-shirt branded with The World Needs Good Men logo on the front and title on the back. We'll contact you after your order to get your size.

Make It Easy Conversation Card

Laying out a life changing challenge or giant quest needs to pack a punch. This conversation card offers lightweight guidance for presenting your sword to your son - based on how I messed it up multiple times

"These swords are hands down some of the best things we've bought for our boys in years."

Emily Walker

Mom, Three sons

Ready to go?

Place your order and we'll follow up to get your tshirt size and if needed, handle shipping.


Hey there,

Thanks for considering coming on this journey as my wife and I try to raise our three sons to be good men. We try hard to give our boys safe places to take risks and these wooden weapons have been just the thing. I hope they're as helpful to you in your parenting as they have been in ours.

Bought in but don't want to buy? Jump on this journey with us. The world needs good men.
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